Tuesday, January 19, 2010

“Weekends, an Alien World”

…Every Friday around 5 o’clock, the entire realm of the Jackson household changes…things that are normal and functioning predictably through out the week, become an alien landscape…to ME…

Early on in staying home with Piper I realized that the easiest way and most effective way to cruise through the day, was to create a schedule and a set of rules that both of us would follow. Needless to say it took several weeks of stumbling through the day to come up with something that worked. As Piper has gotten older and passes toddler mile markers, the schedule and rules have evolved with our needs. Not everything is planned, but the major Items like when she gets snacks, eats lunches, and takes naps are not deviated from very often. Structure is one of the most important gifts you can instill in your children, and needs to take root early on in their little lives.

Structure requires parents to be: firm, fair, and consistent in disciplining their children; setting high expectations and creating an environment for their kids to fail and succeed in; encouraging them to work hard and that quitting is not an option; and of course to teach them to operate with in then confines of the rules.

I would like to believe that I am pretty consistent in my disciplining effort, and that my methods of achieving this have been successful up to this point – only time will tell. I always try to take the time to understand why Piper is doing something, or explain to her best I can why she is not supposed to do certain things.

When she was younger I distracted her a lot, because she did not understand the concept of “NO”…these days I stand my ground and expect her to fall in line with what I tell her. No means no the first time, and even though Piper will get upset when she does not get her way, it only last a couple of seconds, because she knows that I won’t bend – so she goes on her merry way and finds something else to get into.

Piper and I coexist pretty well together, and although everyday brings something new and challenging, we have a solid foundation that lets us get through it all with a smile.

…enter into the equation The Weekend…oh boy! On Fridays Pipers Omi comes and watches her for part of the day. Who knows what goes on when I am not around – I am sure its no good. [to all in the know I mention code word KRACKA] My mother must have used up all her discipline on me, because she seems to let Piper do what she wants. I have adopted the Vegas slogan…what happens with Grandma’s stays with Grandma’s…ignorance is bliss, besides - it’s a fight I could not win if I tried.

Friday evenings Mrs. Milf gets home, followed closely by her sister Kim – or as Piper refers to her in a loving way “GAA”. The landscape has already changed for me, because I now have 3 grown women in the house, and a toddler who is excited and abandoning all rules established and reinforced through out the week. There is lots of laughter and fun between the girl’s, and as everyone is feeling good vibes, toys are being left lying all over, along with the trail of Mrs. Milf’s daily work attire. The house that was not perfectly clean, but picked up, is now littered with the meteor shower of miscellaneous random items…and soon the excited fun loving toddler gets worn out and fussy. At this point in time I am already on my 4th beer, so I like to casually lean back on the kitchen counter and let the Weekend Alien Invasion begin.

By my 6th beer the invasion is complete and the aliens have taken over the bodies of my loved ones. My daughter is whiny, allowed to climb on tables, tossing food projectiles from her high chair, attaching herself to her mommies leg like an alien parasite, and many other things that don’t happen through out the week (or are at least immediately checked and contained through out the week). – IT IS NOT AS BAD AS I MAKE IT SEEM, but when you are used to something functioning a specific way, any little pothole in the road seems like a major crater…

The lack of routine and schedule also throws Piper off. Eating her lunches and snacks at different times, or eating little snacks all through out the day totally messes with her. Not having her naps when she is supposed to, or not getting them at all is another one of those major items that impairs her ability to function at her best. No one else really realizes this, because they don’t have the opportunity to stay home with her and experience the contrast in behaviors.
I spend all day with her – not on the couch watching Television, but interacting with her…reading, playing, teaching, communicating with her…so, it makes it very easy for me to see the smallest of changes.

The weekend continues and more family stops by to visit, play, and go out to eat. Of course no one wants to be the bad guy, so small things that could be corrected (e.g. whining and wanting to be carried around), don’t get checked. I totally understand this!!! But in a way it does not make sense to me…I’d rather stand my ground and let the little one be upset with me for a couple of minutes – she is not going to love me any less, and if she chooses grandma or omi over me, I know that it is because she knows she can get her way with them….lol

What makes me a little upset at times is that Trisha seems to get the Shitty End of the stick out of this entire deal. She has to flow with what ever goes on through out the week and over the weekend. On the average day Trisha only gets about 3 hours with Piper at night, and that is broke up by dinner, Me talking her ear off, and winding down for the night. On weekends she has to deal with a possibly unbalanced toddler due to a change in the regular routine, family visiting, and the other possible variables that are bound to creep up. And lets not forget that I can get bitchy at times and “uncontrollably” release a snide remark or two…sorry! You are a trooper, and I don’t know how you are able to put up with me at times.

Anyway, as you can see…the weekends can seem pretty alien, and Mondays are always a bit of a challenge due to having to readjust to our routine.

It is what it is, and I would not have it any other way. I love my entire extended family and appreciate every single thing they do and role they play in our lives. Without them, our lives would be incomplete and fractured, and the break in schedule is a breath of fresh air - the change in gears a necessity to keep growing. To all of you Aliens I say thank you for giving me excitement and a reason to drink lots of beer on the weekends…see you on Friday.

German Pan Fried Potato recipe (well…I actually created this one)
- Any type of potato you have lying around the house Qty: enough for 2 -3 layers, depending on how much you eat
- 4 Tbls Butter
- 8-10 slices of Bacon (cut in 1” pieces)
- 1 Onion
- Salt to flavor
- Cracked Black Pepper to flavor

Use large non-stick pan, heat to medium and toss in bacon. Cook bacon to desired texture and remove from pan. While bacon is cooking peel, rinse, and slice potatoes into 1/8 thick slices (the width of an ipod nano). Add 2 Tbls of butter to bacon grease and melt. Layer potato slices into pan, overlapping just a little, until bottom of pan is covered, season with pepper and salt, add sliced onions and bacon. Cube the remaining butter and add dollops as needed/ wanted. Add second layer of potatoes, and season to taste. Cook on medium uncovered for a couple (2-3) minutes and then turn down heat and cover. Cook for 10 additional minutes and then flip potatoes…be careful…cover and cook for additional 10 minutes. Take off lid and let sit on low until you are ready to eat.
Note: everyone’s stove is different, and my medium is not the same as your medium. It is important to calibrate your stove and oven, so that you know what temp your low, medium, and high are actually cooking at. Following recipes is easier when knowing the cooking temps of your stove…


  1. Nice description of life at the "Jackson Family Ranch"!

    Hmmmm.........that's a lot of beer dude!...I wonder what your description would be like if you were sober?

  2. not a lot of beer for me...thats just gettin' started. lol Trisha chuckled when she read that... ;)
    Maybe we'll get some input from other Mr. Milf readers. Prost! Cheers! Bottoms Up!
