Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Technical Tuesday – The Dishwasher

I have decided to dedicate Tuesdays to explore the technical side of managing a household (appliances, gadgets, etc.). Today I going to talk about one of those appliances that I cannot live without.

You might have heard it referred to as every imaginable explicative uttered in the history of mankind, but I like to call it “The all mighty Dishwasher”. It is one of those magical appliances that when used properly can bring you immense joy, or as in most cases, cause you terrible grief, agony, and at times even great physical injury. -My mother as suffered several broken toes over the years due to her trying to karate kick the dishwasher into submission. Her career record 0-3!

The Dishwasher is a simple appliance and if you follow some basic rules, it will bring a smile to your face every time you use it.

1. Don’t be a dipshit and forget to put in the detergent!

2. Don’t rinse your dishes before you load the machine. Dishwashers are designed to use food debris to help clean the dishes.

3. Realize that there are some things your dishwasher will never be able to clean. One of them is Avocado! Any avocado residue that has sat long enough to get dry, will not get clean in the wash.

4. Don’t worry about overloading it! Just make sure that the spray arms move freely. Most times when your dishes are still dirty after a wash it is because something small moved and slipped thru the rack and interfered with the spray arms, or you stuck something too long in the bottom rack and it stopped the upper spray arm from spinning.

5. Make sure you don’t ruin your knives…place them blade side up cross ways on the upper rack…

6. Maintain your Dishwasher! Frequently clean out your pump cover strainer. This sounds complicated, but only takes about 30 seconds!

7. And the most important rule of them all…well, don’t lecture your wife on how to load the dishwasher…it is futile! It ranks right up there with trying to explain to her why NOT to keep adjusting the thermostat up and down.

I will be happy to answer any additional questions! so enjoy your dishwasher and tell it how much you appreciate it. I wish you technical harmony…until next week!


  1. There is one more rule you are unaware of...if a spoon, plate, pot, etc goes through the wash and heat/dry cycles and still comes out dirty it won't get clean no matter how many times you keep putting it back in the dishwasher...it must be washed by hand!

  2. to all who don't know, trisha wegner is "mrs. milf"....and to comment on her comment about "MY" rules, i will only respond by saying the following....
    i love you....and of course you are right! ....BUT, if you follow the above rules that i listed, then you never have to worry about having dirty dishes....HEY WAIIIIIIIT A MINUTE.....are you implying that i rewash, rewash, rewash, rewash.....? ok, i admit it, i have! But only in the name of science! call it data collection. ;)

  3. Shouldn't Trisha be mrs dilf? Also... only you Chris would turn washing dishes into a science.... idiot!!... Get some more kids, you have to much time on your hands!

  4. Sorry...your sister is being so MEAN!.....Thanks Trisha for telling it like it is!

    I can't wait until you have a "but load" of children......then you won't even have to do dishes...you can delegate those chores out!

    Only when the dishwasher "malfunctions" will you have to "unclog" the drain pipe to release all that food you decided not to rinse off!

    Feel free to call Padre for some advice! He has not only had to do this several times in the last week, but also had to handle his emotional wife delicately so he is even allowed to "unclog" the drain!

    can't wait for tommorow's post!

  5. lol....thanks for the comments.... :)
    keep em coming....good, bad, or downright ugly ...i appreciate them all!

    I love the idea of delegating...can't wait !!!

    JULIE SAID: "Only when the dishwasher "malfunctions" will you have to "unclog" the drain pipe to release all that food you decided not to rinse off!"

    I refer you to rule #6 in regards to drain pipes! trust me, i have dishwashers figured out!

  6. I just want a dishwasher... Was still good to learn though.

  7. Now it has been our experience recently that the clog occurs in the flexible semi transparent pipe between the "pump cover strainer" and...hmmmm...wherever!

    Good luck!....at least you are able to fix it if the food clogs up!

  8. And make sure you use DISHWASHER detergent. The first time I washed dishes, I filled the entire detergent compartment with dawn dishsoap. That did not end well. =)

  9. Thanks Chris for the info. I will post this.
