Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mr. Milf Survival Bag – Top 5 Essential Items

edit: I received several request to add prices for the listed items

My male audience has requested that I do at least one day that deals with Dude stuff. Done! Lets dedicate Wednesdays strictly to the Men…altho’ you women might want to stay tuned – I am sure that over time Wednesdays could prove to be entertaining to say the least.

Ok so I will kick it off by compiling a survival bag for the stay at home dad. These below items are the basic essentials, and I would not leave home with out them.

1. The “BAG” probably one of the most important items, since you don’t want to come across looking like a douche’ with a man purse. My choice “The Diaper Dude – Camo”. Not only is it well designed but has some nice features that guys can appreciate. Ipod holder, Cell holder, two can beer cooler, lots of useable compartments, and of course an area for your kiddos junk too. You sling it like a messenger bag, and it is made out of tough ripstop nylon, so you can drag this bag down the street with out it breaking.


2. The flask…should you go anywhere with out your trusted flask filled with highly potent spirits? All of us men know the answer to that. It is essential when being dragged along for an epic shopping adventure. Instead of finding the closest BAR – while waiting on your wife to look at every item in every store, you can just find a bench, take some nips from your trusty flask, and play one of man’s favorite Mall games…
Note: when selecting a flask, opt for at least the 6 oz. model – that extra swig will come in handy when your wife darts into one more store on the way out of the mall.

Snow Peak flask Titanium $94.99-$159.99

3. A binky Karabiner …clip it to your bag and never lose a pacifier again. Biner could also be used in some type of survival situation if needed. Note: Make sure to grab a real Karabiner from your climbing gear, unless you want to look like a poser.

Omega "Jake Quick Lock" $19.99

4. Knife! This should be a weapon, not a finger nail cleaner. You need something tactical that will do some real damage if anyone ever poses a threat to your family. I would recommend the following brands to look into: Benchmade, Spyderco, and SOG. My personal choice is the CRKT Hissatsu folder. This switchblade allows you to deploy it one handed while still holding your baby, and cut someones forearm clean off…really!

Columbia River Knife & Tool (CRKT) Hissatsu assisted Folder $99.99

5. A medium stick ball point pen. Don’t leave home with out it. You are always having to fill something out, sign something, or need it for your crossword puzzles. I like papermate pens for several reasons. My mother in-law buys the refills in bulk, they flow really nicely, and they don’t break easily.


Needless to say there other items that I did not list, just because they are obvious (e.g. ipod, blackberry, handcuffs). Hope You enjoyed todays wednesdays topic is open to suggestions from the male audience...until then...keep your head up, your beer tilted, and those fucking "fire safety cigarettes burning". peace


  1. need more info on men's favorite mall games.

    is it something nasty? boys smell.

  2. I really like this section =] these are indeed great ideas for every guy. the tactical bag will be functional and keep you manly. Cool knife too, but I think for the female readers it should be recognized not as a switchblade, but as an assisted opening blade =] much safer.
    Thanks for the blogging man!
